Upcoming Events

Dear Friends,

Below is a list of upcoming events I will be a guest at. I will have plenty of copies of PUNK TACO for sale so please come by and grab a copy if you don’t have one yet. These make great gifts for young and old alike and with the holidays right around the corner this is the perfect time to give a personalized book to a loved one or family member.

For all events- the first 20 people to purchase a copy will receive an autographed copy of PUNK TACO along with a FREE color sketch and a limited edition sticker.

The Whitneyville Fall Festival: Saturday September 15th,  10am to close.

Comic Book Jones In-Store Book Signing: Wednesday September 19th. Time to be announced Soon.

Baltimore Comic Con: September 28-30th

Adam and Makana Wallenta will be at Baltimore Comic Con in the Kids Love Comics Pavillion at Table 15.

Adam and Makana Wallenta will be at Baltimore Comic Con in the Kids Love Comics Pavillion at Table 15.

New York Comic Con: October 4-7th

Adam Wallenta will be at New York Comic Con in Artist Alley at Table K19

Adam Wallenta will be at New York Comic Con in Artist Alley at Table K19


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