Illustrator/Author School and Library Visits


A typical school presentation lasts about 60 minutes, but the time flies by and if time permits, we can sometimes go over a bit.  It’s fun, fast-paced, and filled with visuals. I try to involve the kids as much as possible by asking them questions and encouraging them to ask me questions. My goal is to introduce them to the world of a professional illustrator/author and encourage them to pursue their own goals, no matter how young or old they are. This encouragement isn’t just directed at artists and writers, I want kids with all kinds of interest to know that they can achieve their dreams with smart-work and dedication.

I am first and foremost an illustrator, so I usually begin a presentation by explaining what it’s like to be an illustrator. I show some examples of my work and then move on to my books and writing and talk about the book-making process. I use a lot of sketches and artwork to walk them through the steps it took for me to create my award-winning graphic novel, Punk Taco. I talk about how my son and I collaborated and how we too Punk Taco from being a silly idea, to publishing it ourselves and competing with major publishers and winning several awards. If the students are writing their own stories in class, I emphasize the importance of revising and editing to create the best work they can produce and always try and encourage artists to experiment and find their style. I end with a Q & A session.

Depending on the lessons, I usually offer a personalized “How to Draw” video that students can watch before or after my visit. Because of time restrictions I don’t usually conduct those live. Students have all different skill levels and work at their own pace, and they are usually more engaged online, having a conversation than trying to complete a piece or artwork.

Age Range & Group Size

My presentation is appropriate for students from kindergarten to high school. I can cater to any grade and skill level. Again, my goal is to encourage young writers and artists as well as just show young people that they can achieve anything. I usually keep things simpler and a little shorter for the very young children and can get more involved in the process of making books with older students

Smaller groups work best for my presentation. I prefer 25-35 students or less per class/session and I can do up to five sessions in a day. For larger groups or assemblies please inquire.


Virtual visit (Zoom or whichever app works best for you): $250 per session/class

California school, day visit: $350 per session/class*

Out-of-state school, day visit: $2,200.00*

California library, day, or evening program: $500.00*

* Travel expenses extra: 53¢ per mile (round trip from Brentwood, CA) plus lodging and meals if necessary.


To schedule a visit, please contact me at

PLEASE NOTE: Copies of my graphic novel Punk Taco are available for students on Amazon. Autographed and personalized copies can also be purchased directly from me at a discounted group rate. Please contact me for more information.



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