PUNK TACO Update and FREE Bumper Stickers!

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Just a quick update.

We are continuing to work hard on Punk Taco Volume 2 and every day we get closer to finishing it. It has been an extremely busy start to the year and I want to thank you all for your patience and support. The story is triple the size of Volume 1 but the same exact price so you are getting a lot more for your money I promise.

We only have a few copies of the first printing of Punk Taco Volume 1 and will be officially sold out by next Saturday. The Punk Taco Volume 1 second printing is currently at the printer and will be available in May. So if you don’t own a copy yet, stay tuned.

I am proud to announce that Diamond Comic Distributors will now be distributing Punk Taco and it is available to pre-order this month. Our listing is on page 240 under Adam Wallenta Entertainment and our item code and stock number are as follows:



Don’t forget to sign up for our mailing list HERE!

Another great way to support what we do is by becoming a Patreon Supporter.

If you would like a FREE PUNK TACO BUMPER STICKER follow me on Twitter at @AdamWallenta and send me a message with your address. I only have 25 left so first come, first serve. I will ship one free of charge. These are great stickers that promote literacy and comics and look great on the back of your car or on your laptop. All of my stickers are high quality and printed by Sticker Mule. If are in need of stickers for your own projects you should definitely check them out here-  Logo Stickers

Thanks for checking out this update. We really appreciate it.


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